Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Anderson - Telephone Complaint

O: - Hello!
C: - Hello! I’d like to make a complaint.
O: - What’s your name, sir?
C: - My name is Thomas Robinson.
O: - What’s the problem, Mr. Robinson?
C: - I bought a mobile by Internet, but you sent me a bicycle! I want
to exchange it!
O: - Did you order a mobile?
C: - Yes, I did!
O: - Do you live alone?
C: - No, I don’t. I live with my wife and my son.
O: - Can your son ride a bicycle?
C: - No, he can’t! But I don’t understand why...
O: - You should teach your son how to ride a bicycle...
C: - But, I need a mobile in my work!
O: - You should relax. I think that a bicycle is more interesting than
a mobile. You can go to different places and bicycle is better for
your health... but unfortunately you want to exchange the bicycle for
a mobile...
C: - Oh! No! I thought about it now. I changed my opinion about
bicycles. I want to ride a bicycle and go to different places and I
want to buy a bicycle to my son!
O: - Ok! Do you pay with credit card?
C: - Yes, I do.
O: - Ok, Mr. Robinson, I will send you a bicycle to your son!
C: - Thank you!
O:- Thank you! Bye!

Five days later Mr Robinson received in his house a new mobile.

Roseli - telephone complaint

Onofre drugstore Luciana, Can I help you ?

Good morning Luciana, I’m Roseli , I bought some medicine yesterday
And I haven’t received it yet, then I’d like to know if there was any problem.

OK, but I need some information to find your order. Please, what is your phone number?

It’s 2251-4909.

What is your CPF ?

It’s 123.456.789-66.

Ok Roseli, I found your order. I’ll transfer you to the delivery department.
Hang on , I’ll put you through.

Onofre drugstore delivery Alfredo.

Hello Alfredo, I am Luciana and I am transferring Roseli for you to check
why her delivery is late.

Thank you. Roseli, What is happening ?

I bought some medicine yesterday and as I already said I haven’t received it yet, then I’d like to know if there was any problem.

Could you confirm your phone number ?

Of course, it’s 2251-4909.

Yes, I found it. Your order will be delivered this evening.

So, I will be waiting for it. Thank you.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Beatriz - Telephone Complaint


Op. : Nutrella, good morning.

Me : Hello, my name is Beatriz and I need to make a complaint.

Op. : Yeah, sure. What is the problem?

Me : I have been a client of this company for a long time, so I decided to contact you, because I have never had any problems.

Op. : How can we help you Beatriz?

Me : Last week I bought some bread at the supermarket near my house and when I tasted it I saw small pieces of rubber, mixed in the bread, so I decided to call you because I thought it was a serious situation.

Op. : Sure, but I need to transfer your call to the Technical Department. Please hold on for a minute.

Assist. : Beatriz, my name is Roberto and I’m a Technical Supervisor, I have been informed about what happened and I need some information.

Me : Yes. What kind of information?

Assist. : I need to know the lot number and expiration date of the product.

Me : The expiration date is December 10,2009, and the lot number is 0810 0800 RJM4

Assist. : Ok, Beatriz. Tomorrow I will send a messenger to your house to collect the bread for analysis.

Me : No problem.

Assist. : To do this I need your address.

Me : My address is Paul Earnest Street 100 apt. 55.

Assist. : Once the product is tested we will send you a report to know what actually happened, and certainly we will replace your product.

Me : I’ll be waiting for you.

Assist. : Thank you for trusting our company and we will do everything in our hands to detect the problem.

Me : Thanks

Assist. : Thank you madam, and have a nice day.

(This is a true story, and a few days later I received the Technical Report and some products of Nutrella).

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Cleyton - Pros and Cons

Good and bad things about studying at USP

Everybody who studies at USP can be happy because we don’t need pay for our courses. Moreover, the student of USP can have lunch for R$ 2,00 and use the free local transport inside the campus. Other good thing are the optional courses. Everybody can watch any class about any theme to learn and know more. At the end of your studies, these classes are accounted as extra activities.

But, USP has some problems too. The work stay-aways are constant and there isn’t anything that you can do to solve it. At least one stay-away occurs every year. There are days when the food of the restaurant (that, where the lunch is R$ 2,00) is too bad. Something like colorful eggs and other strange things. USP is so composed of public buildings. So, it has problems of infra structure like most of the public places.

So, what I can say is that USP is a good place to study, but you can’t be demanding. If you are somebody who can survive this “challenges”, you’ll have a good experience in a university in fact, where you can experiment and learn a lot of ideas, moments and meet people.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Augusto - Short Fiction

Matter, a little genetics and a big medley of feelings and psychiatric diseases...

Sarah Truman just smiled and waved as a car crashed into the back of hers. She gently left the car and said, almost happy:

 That's OK. We'll solve it later, just give me your number.

A little surprised and very proud of herself, she came back to her car and went away. She couldn't be more satisfied about her decision. She knew that one year ago, that single happening would have pulled her down the whole week.
Instead, she arrived in her job glad she was fine and ready for one good work day. Everybody kept staring at her a little curious, a little envious and a little scared. She really wasn't the same person since she’d done it.


 As we can see – continued Clark Truman, not far from there – we can't see any stress symptom at this patient, and even no signs of stress-induced disease. Sarah Truman used to be an ultimate example of stress complications and damages. Headaches, warts, many kinds of eye outbreaks, social and professional problems and even heart diseases were observed.

The audience was astonished. Was that a real and definitive cure for that complicated disease?

 In this scenario, the stress situation may lead to damages in many levels. Sometimes, as we've seen in Sarah's case, depression. Sarah tried to do away with herself many times, spanked her own children twice and absolutely gave up her life in consequence of those intense stress crises. Many years of treatment weren’t enough even to make her stop the suicide attempts. That's why our staff decided to try the Intensive Psychiatrist Behavior Changing, which we called IPBC.

Clark was glad he could withhold his emotions and approach this topic with such distance and detachment. After all, he was proud for what he had done.


When Sarah arrived, Clark was already home, as usual. With an old and corny sweater and his terribly unfashionable favorite glasses, Clark was lain in the sofa reading carefully some academic reports, while their youngest child filled in all his most important documents with flowers and teddy bears.
Sarah just walked directly to the kitchen and came back with a cup of steaming hot tea.

 How was your day?
 Excellent. People from all around the world were in the conference this afternoon. They're very interested in the IPBC and specially in your successful case.
 What about the researches?
 Ow... It's amazing! All the tests with rats and even monkeys are encouraging. I really think that soon we'll be able to apply the IPBC to other psychiatric disturbances. Tomorrow we'll present it to a multinational company that intends to invest more than 15 millions dollars in our project! Do you know what it means?
 I'm so proud of you.

Sarah went to bed, and only woke up when the alarm rang 5 AM. Clark kissed her on the forehead and brushed his teeth. He knew it would be a big day.
Clark arrived early at the company and waited anxiously for the investors. At 7 AM he started:

 What does a psychiatric disease mean? Are there physiological differences between a person with a mental disease and a healthy one? Actually, there are. As we know, many people suffer from chemically induced psychiatric diseases. An under production of serotonin may lead to a depression state, an excessive adrenaline production may lead to a stress outbreak... Feelings are chemical reactions... Psychiatric diseases are chemical imbalances.

Clark couldn't withhold his enthusiasm.

 The psychotropic drugs are nothing but substances that supply the brain's lack of production. That way, a chemical intervention may help many patients with psychological problems. For many years, our laboratory has been researching the human brain in order to discovery how and why these substances are under production. And we've deeply described those control processes. Some neurons are able to stimulate those productions and others to inhibit them. Nowadays, we're able to know precisely what each of them makes.

Clark sipped some water, more to give the audience some time to think than because of his thirst, and continued:

 After decades of study, with some help from nanotechnology we finally developed the Intensive Psychiatrist Behavior Changing. This surgical procedure consists of making some microscopic scars in specific regions of the human brain disabling some neuron activities. This way we're able to inactivate some substances production suppressors or supporters.
 But, if the suppression of one substance is totally blocked, so the brain begins an uninterrupted production... How could we control it?
 Actually, many groups of neurons are able to do it, so we can choose how many we're going to damage. After many researches, we're able to know how many is necessary. That way we can definitely heal some psychiatric diseases. During the past two years, we did three successful cortisol/adrenaline control surgery for extremely stressed people. Our company is very proud to say that in all cases the problem was completely solved and those people are able to live a normal life, as they couldn't for years. Now, we're trying to expand the IPBC to other substances and consequently to other diseases, like depression, attention deficit, schizophrenia and others.
 What you're proposing seems to be a definitive process. We aren't able to reverse the IPBC. Do you think the process is reliable enough?
 My first patient was my own wife.

Clark knew that this would show them how he trusted in the process. The conversation continued for a while, but after his convincing arguments the points were more about curiosities and bureaucracies. It was almost dark when he left the company. Tired, but very satisfied.
The company decided to fund the IPBC's researches and the technique was deeply improved. Almost one decade after, they were able to deal with almost all psychiatric diseases. People all over the world did the IPBC and the success ratio was impressive; People disinterested in sports or math could easily change it in matters of hours. Depressed people could decide how much Serotonin their brain would produce.
Clark Truman became the most famous name on the psychiatric science and her company the richest of the medical area. The IPBC became very popular and widespread.


Sarah turned off the telephone and came complaining about her third inconclusive call to the bank. Sarah entered he room and patiently talked about many big absurdities that were happening to her bank account. Almost snobbishly, she explained to her husband what was happening. Clark was outraged about the situation.

 Just calm down! Everything is gonna be OK! They're from the bank! They're supposed to complicate our lives!

Sarah sweetly giggled and went to the kitchen. Clark couldn't stop thinking that the IPBC changed her humor, but our humor is directly related to our ways of thoughts, our ways of life.

 That's not my wife. - Clark whispered to himself.


Clark's company had been growing since IPBC was created. Everything was wonderful, except himself. Many years later, people were used to deciding about their personality. Clark became each day more alone and reserved. Focused on his own research, but not as it used to be: sharing and trying results, but lonely and quiet. Nobody knew what he was doing.
The IPBC was now a fever. Everybody wanted to be braver or more concentrated. It really bothered Clark. He never allowed advertisements of his company, but it wasn't necessary. Instead, he always tried to convince people not to do the IPBC:

 Try to accept yourself!

Now it was out of control. Other companies began to do the IPBC, people requested the government to do it. To be stressed was considered to be disrespectful to other people, to be depressed is an exclusivity for those who deny the surgery. And then began the psychological dictatorship. More than ever, you had to be what seemed the normal.
Clark was going to have lunch and heard:

 I'm going to get Nicole Kidman's nose, Angelina Jolie's mouth and Michael Phelp's discipline for sports.

Next week the report spread all the company and after, all the media: Clark was going to have the IPBC. “Why? What are you going to change? How did you decide?” Clark didn't answer anything.


Clark entered the surgery room. Only one reliable member of the staff knew what to do:

 Why are doing this? Do you know what it means?
 Have you seen what I've done? Can't you see those people on the streets? They are not better people, they are other people. I've turned everybody into the same framed person. They don't know who they are, neither do I.
 Those people, now, have the choice to be healed of serious diseases. They can live a normal life!
 What the hell is a normal life??? Hm? What is the human being if it isn't a portion of flaccid and perishable matter, and a big fucking medley of selfish feelings and psychiatric diseases? That's what you are. Your depression, your happiness, your anxiety and all the trouble in your mind. We can't separate who you are from your suffering. That's all the same thing. We studied enough to know that what we think, HOW we think, our conclusions and everything else are directly related to our feelings. I have always been against all this bullshit of psychiatric chemical intervention. I really think that stopping depression and other diseases by using psychotropic drugs was like creating zombies. How could I do this? I must have been too hopeless about Sarah to do this... I turned the world into a big margarine advertisement!

Sarah stared at them through the surgery room glass. She couldn't hear them, but she knew exactly what was happening. She was very upset about his decision, but only that. She wasn't able to flounce or to stop the staff. She just stared with wet eyes.

 Look at those silly, naive and cold eyes.... Is that Sarah? It isn't her. And she knows it.

Clark and Sarah kept the eye contact until that the anesthesia made him get sleep.


Apparently Clark woke up the same person. Even he was surprised. But everybody, including him, knew that things had really changed.
Clark was an extremist. He refused to feel anything unpleasant. Sadness, anger, anxiety, stress... Now he lives like a dog. No worries, no hard feelings, no complaining, no growing and absolutely no conflict resolutions.

 It was like a suicide. Painless for my family and friends. Now I just am.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nancy - Short Fiction

Diverting the attention of everybody

It seemed to be as a routine. My father left us in the school very early and went to the farm. I loved that school to which I had moved that year. It was located in the highest place of the town and had a large place where we used to play during the breaks. I had learned new games and had made different friends.
The class had finished for that day. We were ready to go home, but we couldn't. At least for some time. An unusual movement was taking place at the train station and we could not take the train, said the station officer. Three police cars were parked in the street behind the station. It was the first time I had seen so many vehicles together in that little town. Fortunately, my brother was with me but I started to be scared, I just wanted to go home. My friends were also upset about what was happening. We used to go home by train, a twenty minutes trip and fifteen minutes walking, always hungry but happy. That day was going to be different and we could not tell our parents, we didn't have telephones nor any way to say that we were going to be late.
My brother, who is two years older than me, was trying to protect me, but as a boy, he was more curious than me. He went to the corner of the station building and looked at the front side of the building. He beckoned to me to follow him. As I watched what was happening, I couldn't believe. There was a freight train parked and many policemen carrying heavy guns that I had never seen before in all my life. Some of them were ready to shoot and two were waiting for an exact moment to open the wagon sliding door. My imagination had gone to the war stories my mother used to read for us in Japanese. Few minutes had passed and the officers finally opened the door, but no one was inside the wagon. They acted in the same manner for the rest of wagons but nothing happened. The operation had finished and the policemen seemed to be disappointed. Our train arrived and we went home with a long delay.
What we heard in the next day was the follow: as we were in the military dictatorship time there were terrorists escaping from the regime and they were supposed to be hidden in the forests of Ribeira Valley. The police was chasing them that day. But it was not all. While the military police was performing the operation, somebody had stolen one of the police car and we heard that it had been found intact in the neighboring district, ten kilometers away from our little town! The guilty was never found.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cleuza P. - Pros and cons

Being retired

To be retired brings many advantages. First of all, the free time
increases, for example, you can spend much more time practicing sports
or other leisure activities. Also, you find more time to do courses
that are not necessarily about work topics, which can be some hobbies.
Due to the fact that you don’t have schedule obligations, you can spend
more time with your family.
On the other hand, your salary probably will decrease, also your
relationships with friends will decrease too, once most of friendships usually
are at work. You won’t have more working trips and many people can see
you like an unemployed and unoccupied person.
Almost one year ago, after thirty five years working at the same
place, I retired. That changed my routine a lot and I got more free
time. In my case the free time is useful for staying more time with my
daughters and practices a sport that I like. Also, I got a new
hobby, I started studying different languages like English and
Italian. On other hand, what happened is that many people ask me to do
a lot of things, because they think I am unoccupied.

Nivaldo - Short Fiction


The City
In the fifties São Paulo was forming the city of nowadays. There were car industries, among others, being established and exploding an atmosphere of progress on all sides. At that time, an environment was being created in which the new middle class was generated.
Geographically saying, there was the city center where all things went on and where the commerce shops, offices, bars and restaurants and cinemas and theaters were settled. The people worked and played in the center.

The neighborhood
I used to live in Vila Pompéia, at that time considered outskirts of the city. The place is quite hilly. There were a lot of hills then transformed in streets all unpaved.
On one side in the valley there was a mulberry tree in the edge of a stream that snaked through the streets where the public school and the ice cream shop received the children
At the top of one hill, there was the center of the neighborhood where the church rested out along with small commerce around and the bus stop with long lines of the people struggling to enter in the CMTC bus, the metropolitan company of buses. On the other side at the top of another hill, today Cerro Corá Avenue, there was a house where someone was killed and his spirit was there asking for vengeance. On the valley between the two hills a small farm was placed where people would go to buy fresh milk.

The People
There were child groups as the street top group, street down group and so on. The children had two or three pastimes to spend the afternoon after the school homework. We played soccer on the street, today Pompeia Avenue. Eventually when a car came the game stopped and we waited it to pass. There were also games of season as flying kites or releasing balloons we had made, all those mixed with playing tops and marbles.
On Sunday morning the people surrounded the church, at first to watch the mass and after to flirt with the girls leaving the church. In the afternoon guys went to the banks of Tiete River to play soccer on the place where today the Marginal Tiete is.

The Family
My grandfather by my mother´s side was Italian and arrived in Brazil in 1920 with a lot of Europeans, perhaps fleeing out the first Great War. He married a Brazilian girl, my grandmother, and they had 14 children. My grandfather and grandmother by my father´s side were Spanish and they had 3 children in Spain, they passed through Argentina and more 3 children and finally they arrived to Brazil and more 3.
The families of the brothers were so close. They helped each other and economically grew with the development of São Paulo. In general all the family was together in special occasions having lunch, often homemade capeletti, and drinking red wine which my grandfather had bottled at home.
These pieces of live explain a bit the nature of the formation of our society, with a lot of immigrants that arriving to São Paulo and mixing with the people from here. It generated new workforce, new ideas, new ideals, and a new life.

Beth - Short Fiction


I needed to choose one point to begin talking about my life. I think it is good starting when my father’s parents came from Syria. Firstly, they decided to live in the countryside of Campinas where they lived for approximately 20 years. After that time, my grandfather caught a lung disease which caused him a large amount of suffering until his death.
Soon, my grandmother and her 11 children had to get another different way of life. They considered living in a big city could bring more opportunities and they moved as soon as possible. The place they had chosen was property of my mother’s parents where everything happened. My parents, João and Izabel, suddenly met and fell madly in love and married three years later.
In 1956, their first-born was born, me. My parents chose my first name based on an epic film acted by Elizabeth Taylor. Even before I was born, they had already decided the first daughter would receive this name.
I am the oldest child of my family and since the tender age of childhood I had to take care of my younger sisters, this responsibility making me feel a stronger child. On the other hand, my first day at school showed that I needed a lot of care because after my mother let me in a classroom I was crying a lot and my fragility and sadness were obvious for everyone else.
I was not considered an excellent student , not a bad one either, but in general I was always successful in exams or courses. I studied High School at Fundação Bradesco, which provided a technical school Business Administration. This Course was very important to help me to choose my profession later. At that time, I got my first job. I was working during the day and studying at night. As soon as I went to University I had got a new job in an American bank which provided an interesting kind of work and a good monthly salary for four years. Afterwards, I worked in other companies that offered good promotion prospects. At the same time, I made a lot of friends in those jobs and one of them was the most important friend who later became my husband, Francisco.
One year later, after my marriage, my daughter was born and this enjoyable event gave us pleasure. Isabela is her name. She was the first grandchild besides being very nice and beautiful girl with her adorable blue eyes, she transformed the family’s life. Isabela grew up and her success with everyone delighted us.
I would like to say that I dealt with motherhood and my professional career at the same time and that caused me no great difficulty and worry. It was possible or easier for me because I had my parents who helped us every time we needed.
Nowadays, I am feeling calm and satisfied with my life and when I look back, I can see that many objectives were achieved. However, I was willing to do a lot of things such as studying, learning, working and so on. Therefore, I am really looking forward to starting a new job which I have passed in open competition.
I can imagine when one is reading my writing, he/she will think : Isn’t there any sad or unpleasant fact to relate in this life story? The answer is: I am living a very satisfactory and pleasant life , so I can say that at this moment I can’t bring anything bad to my mind.

Roseli - Pros and cons

Driving to work

I usually go to work by car. I take this opportunity to take the kids to school, so it is more comfortable. In the company I have reserved parking area, and I can arrive late or maybe leave late.
During the journey I like listening to music, and thinking about anything.
And on the way back, I usually stop by the supermarket, to buy things I need, or to go to other places.
One problem is the traffic of São Paulo it is not so fast and it is becoming increasingly complicated, I should pay attention to the traffic, besides it is more stressful, and sometimes more expensive than public transport. Finally if I need to go somewhere in the path it will be very difficult to park.
So, I prefer having a car even with all the disadvantages because it gives me more autonomy.

Tiago - Pros and cons

To have a job while you are a student

To have a job while you are a student has many advantages. First of all, you can leave your parents’ house and do amazing things. Is it good? Yes. For example, you will have your own schedule and more privacy. Also, you will have a business experience and more money independence.
However, when you have a job and study at the same time, you can have some disadvantages. Firstly, you will have less study and free time. Secondly, you will have more responsibility, because you will have to follow working hours and working orders.
Despite the advantages, if I have the option I prefer only to study, because it’s easier and more profitable for the academic results. After all, I can work and have more independence in the future.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Beatriz - Pros and cons


Firstly, having a car is very good., . The car is much faster than the bus and is more comfortable. Sometimes you can be alone or with someone. If you are stressed [E1] you can relax listening to music, news etc.

The car helps people do many things, for example, go to the supermarket, doctor, vet, dentist, and others.

And the best is traveling to many places.

However, having a car has many disadvantages, such as buying a car is very expensive, . The car is very dangerous in the roads and it can cause be some accidents, or be stolen. Also, you can get stuck in traffic, or have to take bus or taxi.

Sometimes they cause accidents because the driver was drunk.

You must have a driver’s license, pay licensing, the car insurance, annual review. Also, you must pay for adding fuel, to washing the car and other things.

Having a car is very expensive.

Despite the disadvantages, I still prefer having a car because I live in a city where public transportation is very bad and not safe.

But in the near future, when the metro lines are increased I intend to leave the car.

This is almost certain in my mind.

Anderson - Pros and cons

The advantages and disadvantages of using computer to do homework

Nowadays, there are many people that have a computer. Using a computerto do homework has some advantages. You can search on internet someinformation about your homework.
It’s not required paper and you don’tneed pen or pencil to write. Besides, if you make a mistake you don’tneed an eraser to correct.

However, there are some disadvantages to do your homework using acomputer. First of all, you need a computer, of course. If a problemhappens with the computer, there is a possibility that you lose yourhomework. You should be careful when you search information on theinternet, because there are many incorrect texts.

I prefer to do my homework in the computer because it is very practical,and I don’t spend a lot of sheets of paper. If you pay attention whenyou search information on the internet, you won’t have problems.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lucas - Short Fiction

The daily fear

I had dreamed of becoming a journalist. Perhaps the reason of it was my mother when she said that “truth is the first of values” – normally after some mischief. However, the more I grew up, the more I realized that in your daily lives we are set to compromise with truth. From this painful contradiction my career would be traced.
Journalism, the big one, is my life choice. Besides the difficult nature of the job, I had to come down with another ugly fact: I chose the most dangerous job in my country. In the last ten years, more than two hundred journalists have been murdered (or simply “disappeared”) due to their work as “truth-seekers”. Roberto B., who was shot dead in front of his family last year by drug-dealers, once said to me that “Here in Ciudad Juárez we journalists have two possibilities, either compromise with truth, or with fear”. Once more I faced the contradiction.
After five long years studying in foreign countries, I came back last year to become a journalist in CJ. What was my surprise when I found out the obvious fact that all the newspapers of the city are owned by the same person. Mister A. Maya. “Things go like this nowadays”, I thought, It is the effects of globalization and monopoly”. However, when I received an email inviting me to a job interview in the very house of Mister A. Maya, owner of Ciudad Juárez Daily News and all means of communication as far as El Passo Texas, I had to stop believing.
Here everybody knows the source of CJ’s violence. It is an intricate system entangling a failed State, global corporations hunger for cheap labor force for the “maquiladoras”, and bundles of outlaws who fight for taking control of coca’s routes to the US. How do all these things fix together? I have no idea. But if there is a Truth, it is our duty to look for it.
When the piece of white paper in front of me asked to fill in the blanks with my full name, and my social security number, I gave one more step toward desolation. After all the ‘writing text’ of CJ Daily News would be just another mise en scene for hiring biased journalists. Either work, or your conviction. Either truth, or safely sleep. Probably my roommates – who would know exactly how to fill in suchblanks – were “son of someone” or just a father trying desperately to feed his newborn children. Who knows? What I know is there is no place for ambiguities in this job. Either you are a journalist, or you aren’t. Either you live by their rules, or you live with fear. I made my choice.

In the most optimistic scenery, which is a hollywoodian one in fact, I’ll become famous delivering encouraging speech worldwide for (ironically) the coca consumers of Ciudad Juárez. I received one or two awards, and a polite nomination to running for the Pulitz. My death would be quickly and abroad. A soft end for somenone who let his hometown dying slowing in the desert. In the worst scenery… well… nobody knows how Mister A. Maya will received the news that a “rebellious” and “trouble-seeker” candidate named Carlos B. has used his failed writing text for application in CJ Daily News to illustrate the first page of the brave new newspaper of Ciudad Juarez: The Daily Truth.
I have to face the fact that my life is in danger now. But I don’t care. I have chosen the Juarez daily fear. As everyone else.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Eda - Pros and cons

Living in a big city has many advantages. First of all, you can enjoy the best entertainment opportunities like theaters, exhibitions, shows … Also, you can take the best chances to have a good job and good vocational training. As a result, you get better perspectives of career. Moreover, if you have a serious disease you can find any hospital and good doctors easily.
However, living in a big city also has disadvantages. Firstly, the air is polluted, it is very dangerous for our health, sometimes breathing becomes difficult. Secondly, you can't relax or feel safe, violence makes life very stressful. Also the traffic jams make life worse.
I was born in a small city and I hate traffic jam, polluted environment, noise, competition... So, I love staying at home, reading a good book and relaxing. But, I'm retired and I know young people don’t think like that.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Vivian - Pros and cons

Internet shopping has many advantages. Firstly, what is more convenient than buying what you need without leaving home? After all, when you buy a product in the store, you’ll have to take it home, light or heavy, with you by car or bus, because most shops don’t have delivery service. Besides you save money with the delivery service, you can also save the freight rate, since many sites offer free shipping. Secondly, there is a great deal of comfort to do their shopping on the net, since you won’t face queues and you’ll buy what you want at any time of day, without having to worry about holidays. Finally, there are hundreds of shopping sites with different products, you can search all sites, compare prices and you can still choose the best deal in a click.

However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. Firstly, anyone with a card can shop on the Internet, even if a card is stolen. Secondly, you can’t touch or try the product until you receive your order at home. It is also more difficult to return products purchased online, sometimes impossible to return, while in physical stores it is easier. Finally, you don’t have to wait in queue or spend hours looking for a place to park the car but you have to wait for the freight time that is sometimes slow, especially if you choose the cheaper shipping.

Even with all the disadvantages presented, I prefer to buy online because I'm satisfied with the results of online shopping.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Beatriz - Tabloid Article

Sports Tabloid on August 23, 2010: "My Body Needs Eternal Holidays".

These words were said by Ronan "The Phenomenon".
The Phenomenon has been one of the world's best soccer players for many years.
Nowadays it's not true, and some people believe this.
Ronan is well known for his soccer talent, money and scandals with women and transvestites. This is very bad for his image.

Ronan loves his career very much but he doesn't train soccer a lot. He prefers to go out at night, to have a drink, eat a lot and go out with other women even during his marriage.
Ronan, you need stop now! You are very famous and very rich; people like you. This is the best moment for you to be well known for the good soccer you play!

If he continues to play soccer in the future, people will say: Ronan was very fat, tired, ugly and his life was fun and he couldn’t play anything.
Definitely, people will always remember bad things about his life, then it's most important for him to stop now, because as he said his body really needs eternal holidays.

Cleyton - tabloid article

Mariane found wearing a red lingerie

Yesterday, at 7:00 pm, Mariane was found at “Thursday and beer” (a party at ECA on Thursday) wearing a red Lingerie and dancing up a local platform. She used the place as a stage to her performance of Lady Gaga cover show.

Around 8:00 pm, the university guard arrived to stop Mariane. She was under effect of drugs and had drunk about 8 cans of beer. According to local students, she had never done it. “She’s a good girl with good influence in the academic center” they said. So, it’s changing after the happened.

Pedro, academic center president, said that he will keep her out of the weekly meetings. Because of it, Mariane has plans of migrating to Africa to work as an advertiser of Robert Mugabe government.

Natália - Tabloid article

Celullari: The new love of the biggest advertising executive of Brazil?

Mariane is the Best advertising executive of Brazil. She earns on average one million dollars/month, currently.
She started her graduation in 2008 at University of São Paulo, year in which she moved from Mogi das Cruzes, quiet town of the state. She lived in Mogi for 20 years.
Mariane, was always very smart and talented, developed her work brightly and became famous...
Her campaigns won international fame and Mariane traveled a lot...knew many countries, met many people, had many romantic relationships...she was always very discreet, but we, of magazine Tititi, found something really impressive about the paulista millionaire: We found Who is the new Love of the biggest advertising executive of Brazil!
Last weekend we saw Mariane taking an ice cream with...nobody but Edson Cellulari...coincidence (or not), this week, the actor finished her marriage to Claudia Raia (a marriage of 10 years!!!).
Yes! the discreet advertising executive can be the cause of the couple’s separation!
Do not miss the next edition! Interview with a millionaire advertising executive and Edson Cellulari...we are sure Mariane, the beaultiful businesswoman is the responsible for the end to the solid union of Celulari and Raia...

Beth - Essay on Immigration


According to the Helsinki statement immigration is considered a human right and must be guaranteed everywhere. In reality this rules is not considered by many countries. So, even if we are living in a plural society, we can feel significant increase in intolerance of immigration.
Most of the time, specialists claim that cultural differences are responsible for the unacceptable face of immigration. We know that the Japanese or Chinese people don’t have European culture and an American culture either. By the way, Asian people have lived an orderly life in the USA differently from Afro-Americans who have had difficulties to immigrate or to stay in this country. Also, people of South American or East European origins are frequently refused by some Western European or North American countries although they have more cultural approach than Eastern people
The narrow-minded opinions against immigration have proved to be very selective. In fact, the socioeconomic condition is the main cause for refusing immigrants by society. However, migrations within Western countries with highly developed economy have not caused resistance among them, as well as migration between underdeveloped countries.
The socioeconomic aspect gets evident around the old colony immigrants who have long cultural experience and even though they have been reject as everyone who comes from the underdeveloped countries.
Nowadays, we have many cases over the world that cause immigrant rejection because of their bad socioeconomic condition. In the USA this act has regularly occurred on the border with Mexican people. Recently, everyone can see the news about restrictions of immigrants in Arizona state at special against Latino and also poor people. On the other hand, it is very rare in this country to find strict limits on immigrants who come from developed place. In this way it can make a question “Would it be everybody legal immigrants?”
In conclusion, the large majority of people accept migratory movements between similar economies. Also they assume that movements must be avoided between different economies. Therefore, it is clear that the Immigrant will always have a great difficulty to deal with cultural and socioeconomic difference.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lucas - Essay on Immigration


Immigration and globalization are today the two hot topics concerning the futures of States. Strangely enough, these two concepts work toward different directions. When we think of globalizations patterns of economic or social-cultural interactions we usually conceive a harmonic conviviality between different – or even antagonists – worldviews. In this “optimistic” account, ethnic discrepancies turn into global benefits for everyone as for example increasing profits worldwide, deepening our cultural understanding or preventing military conflicts in the borders. However, hardly can anyone state the same regarding immigration. Instead of praising pluralism and searching for new ways for doing politics, the immigration debate in the western countries nowadays brings up the oldest feature of human society: the fear of the stranger.

The end of Cold War has let out an enormous amount of local tensions worldwide. One example was the rise of new capitalist economies in Europe during the 90’s after the breakdown of the Soviet system. At first they were praised as welcome brothers in Europe Union. It has taken just a couple of years for xenophobic movements to start their campaigns against the East European countries. Although episodes of intolerance are relatively common in this context, the case against South-North migration is a more powerful one because it goes beyond European case, affecting all the developed countries in the world. Second, it seems to be the pattern of cultural struggle in the next decades, literally a “clash of civilizations”. Old colonies (in the European context) and poor neighbors (in the US) become the origin of massive immigration fluxes responsible for supplying the low-rated jobs in rich countries. Some demographers, for example, predict that in 2050 protestant whites will not be the majority of U.S. population. Maybe even English will have lost its hegemony as the only official language…

For the cultural and economic establishment of developed countries it sounds catastrophic. The increasing rates of unemployment and violence are commonly used as argument for those who look forward to enclosing the economy and strengthening the legislation against illegal immigrants. But a second look can provide us with a better picture of the circumstances. Beginning with the question if immigrants are the cause of unemployment - which is a kind of absurd when we realize that immigrants and natives do not compete with each other for the same jobs (immigrants take in general unqualified jobs and lower wages) - in the long run demographic rates compel us to be skeptical about anti-immigration laws. The decline of native population is a pattern in all industrial societies. It means that in the future the current lack of unqualified employers may yoke the lack of qualified employers in the same economies. It is not an absurd when we consider the fact that the dynamism of U.S. culture, along with the history of Western Europe, is one of the fruits of the nineteenth century’s fluxes of immigration. At first, a low-rated job might attract a poor family from a distant country, looking for a new life. But in two or three generations, considering the system of educational opportunities in developed countries, their children and grandchildren might become the next generation of brilliant scientists, professors and politicians. Just look at the Syllicon Valley, the Ivy League or the White House in the U.S. How many foreigner surnames will we find out? The American situation can be read as the paradigmatic situation for Europe and all others countries which intend to establish themselves as the new world potencies.

Anderson - Tabloid Article

The Star News
August 25, 2010

Adriana’s unlucky night

Adriana, a famous singer was involved in an incident last night. Her career started 5 years ago, when she sang Madonna’s songs in pubs and restaurants in São Paulo. In 2008 she released an album called “Songs of Drugstore”, her most important album. She has married Cristiano Ronaldo (an important soccer player from Portugal) since last year.
Last night, Adriana crashed her Ferrari F40 in a police’s car. She was annoyed and argued with the police officer. A fan, that was walking around there, argued and fought with the policeman. A police dog was frightened with the tumult and bit Adriana´s leg. So she went to the Hospital.
The incident caused various consequences to Adriana: her car was destroyed, she was fined in $5,000.00 and the next show in Buenos Aires was canceled. We haven´t talked with her since the incident.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Jeconias - Tabloid article

Suzan at restaurant

Despite her unsuspected face, Suzan has a bizarre dark side. According to an eyewitness she was seen doing terrible things! Suzan was on a restaurant and a woman made a negative comment about her nail polish and hair. That was enough to start a violent reaction! Suzan seemed to lose control of her own body, and just hit the woman on her head with a tray. The friends of the poor woman tried to defend her, but Suzan just included them on the punishment.
She liked to hold the two heads of the women by the hair and hit one against other, hit the heads on a corner of the table and make them eat their shoes. The woman clearly regretted having made the comment just tried to escape, but Suzan wasn’t satisfied and increased the degree of punishment. The eyes of the woman were full of anguish.
After all the action, the woman, with only one tooth on her mouth and a tremulous voice, asked for forgiveness and said: “thank you for the drubbing”. Such acknowledgement was the condition imposed by Suzan to accept the request of forgiveness.

Tiago - Tabloid article

Baseball player earned and lost $1.000.000,00 by one day!

Anderson (21) has been the best player of Major League Baseball since 2008. So, he won the last three election as “The best player” organized by the American magazine The world of Baseball Game.
Although his professional life is going wonderfully, his conjugal life is not in a good time. The Brazilian striker signed a new contract with his club New York Mets on Friday morning (08/19). With this contract, he will earn 4 million dollars a month! Unfortunately, Anderson was surprised by his wife - She saw him and a fan together in a party of the American team. They split up last Friday afternoon (08/19).
The justice ordered for the Brazilian striker a payment of 1million dollars to his former wife monthly. So, only one day was enough for the sportsman to earn and to lose $1,000,000.00!Anderson has been single since last week-end. Fortunately for his wife, the new millionaire of New York!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ezequiel - Essay on Immigration


On August 17th, our English class received a visitor from Belgium. The guy is friend of Elton’s. We had an interview with him, which is reflected in this composition about immigration in our society.
Nowadays, it is common to think of the concept of “transnationality”. If we consider companies that have been created in one country but now sell products everywhere, and have become “multinationals”, we can understand a bit more about what is to belong to a globalized world.
Businesses have to be done, meetings must happen, congresses have to be made. I know this is not “immigration” strictly, but it is a kind of habit which helps to make come true the dream of an Earth without borders, a Global Village.
New generations are used to using the computer to make friends from a lot of places and cultures, which means the idea of being from this or that nation is becoming weaker. For them, there is not a strong feeling of patriotism, because people usually move virtually from a country to another in a few seconds and this is just a reflex from what happens in reality: “our planet is smaller than it used to be.”
We can see that the quantity of immigrants, no matter where, has increased. It is so due to higher speeds and lower prices in transportation. People are more confident about travelling and making a living in another land. This kind of phenomenon helps us to be more tolerant and open-minded to others’ beliefs, customs, ideas, and behaviors and, last but not least, frontiers.
On the other hand, there are local people that usually become afraid of new folks in their area. They are very conservative on this and try to make immigration more difficult. In some cases, it happens because of high costs of taxes, partly used to support welfare to illegal immigrants from poorer countries.
This prejudice turns into anger and there are some parties stating that immigrants mustn’t continue in a place that is not theirs. Sometimes, they try to hurt or kill foreigners to intimidate others to come to “their country”.
But, in our Global Village, what is the meaning of “own”? Just because you have been born somewhere, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the place is nobody else’s. Sometimes you’re more connected to someone in the other side of the world, but have never met your own neighbor! In this case, what would be the place you belong to or the nation that is just yours? It seems that these questions are losing their logical meaning in our era. There are no more space to radicalism, let’s leave it out and enjoy the fantastic and fast connections we can make anytime, which are possible just because we are in the 21th century.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Carlos - Essay on immigration

About Immigration

Last week we received at our English Class the visit of Louis, a Belgian young man that came to Poli as an exchange student. He told us about the immigration life in Belgium.
An interesting fact I learned from the interview was about the multilingualism of Belgium. This country is divided in three Communities or three Regions where the local population speaks different languages. So someone that is thinking of immigrating to this country has to think about this. In the Flemish Region (Flanders), for example, the main language is Dutch. Wallon Region (Wallonia) is a German-speaking Region and at the Brussels-Capital Region the official language is French. Although these three languages are official languages at these Regions, Belgium has also different local dialects.
Our interviewee spoke to us in English. As it is usual in European countries, in spite of a mother local language, English is the academic and business language, so the most recent young population speaks English as a second language. As our interviewee came from the Belgian Region where French is the official language, he has an English with a French accent.
Louis was invited to visit our English Class because we had studied a lesson about the Patel brothers whose family immigrated from an Asia country to Kenya – Africa. So the family had a native spoken language and at the new country they had to speak the local dialect or the Swahili and English, because Kenya is a multilingual country. When the two Patel brothers, Vijay and Bhikhu were young they had another immigration experience. They moved to the UK. In this new country they made fortune.
As a subject of our English Class we listened to a tape with the Patel brothers answering about their immigration experience in the UK. As Louis they speak English with an accent, but differently from Louis’s their accent is not a French accent. I suppose they have an Asian or African accent.
When a person is thinking about immigrating to another country there are several important questions to think about, as local rules about immigration, for example. Nowadays, the European countries are becoming increasingly xenophobic countries, probably due to economical reasons. This is a serious question to consider when someone is planning to immigrate. The most secure way to immigrate is to have legal papers. Someone with no legal papers living at another country has to survive with a psychological strain every day - What can happen to me if I’m caught without papers?
Louis spoke to us about the liberal immigrant context that they have in Belgium. The immigrants, even those who live there without legal papers have no problems with the authorities. He gave us an example of this. His Brazilian Portuguese teacher lives there without papers. When the authorities ask for her papers and she can’t prove that she is in a legal situation in Belgium, the authorities by their turn don’t take her to prison, she is not deported. She is advised to get official papers or to move. Louis told us when this happens, she would move to another place and continues to live in the country.
I don’t think of immigrating to another country, but I would like to have another experience abroad. I lived one year in London where I started my English language studies. Although I had this experience I don’t have fluency in English. Now I would like to live at least one more year abroad in an English speaking country, to finally improve my English and to have an academic experience too. For this I’m having English classes at IME-Jr.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Suzan - Tabloid Article

The big revelation

Jeconias Guimarães, 28, is a physicist that affirms to have discovered a bigfoot community on the USA west coast. The discovery happened during a scientific trip when he was looking for flying saucer wrecks that would have fallen in the area.
Although many “bigfoot hunters” had explored the area for decades and never managed to register the animal, Guimarães was so lucky that not only did he document the animal’s existence but also affirms to have fallen in love with a female.
Asked about the attraction that he would have found on the “Beautiful girl” he describes her as one warm body and shiny hair! He is very happy although he did not find any UFO.
Love is in the air! Have a good weekend people…

photo by Suzan and Jeconias

Nivaldo - Essay on immigration


The suburbs of Grenoble, France, were the center of the attention when unemployed teens attacked some policemen in July. They were burning cars and transforming the neighborhood in a battlefield. The state of Arizona, USA, recently enacted a law that allows policemen to inquire citizens about the regularity of their situation of immigrants and to take action if they are illegal.
So there are a lot of physical and psychological walls that try to serve as barriers to immigration. Would they work?
I don’t think so; not at all. My thesis is that people try to survive better where they can, and if to live better they have to leave behind a poor and low-expectation country and then they live on the crumbs that the developed country provides, they will do that. The current development model enables such differences. So for a long-term solution of the problem, it is necessary to change the model, that is, to change the expectations of the people that live in the countries which are origin of such movement.
Nowadays the economic crisis exacerbated the felling against immigration. In general, the majority of people are against it and even the moderate political parties are at least in silence to avoid losing votes.
On the other hand, the number of immigrants and descendants are growing.
As we can see in the following table, taking the USA as example, in the last three decades there was an effective growing of immigration.

Immigration numbers

* Projections and graph courtesy Population Environment Balance, Sources: U.S. Census Bureau2; Statistical Yearbook40, Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
Average 195,000 per year from 1921-1970

It is interesting to see how this plays out in the real world. According to journalist Roy Beck, in California it is necessary to construct a new classroom every hour of the day, 24 hours per day 365 days of the year to accommodate immigrant children. The financial cost is borne by native households, who according to a National Academy of Science report, pay an additional $1200 per year in taxes because of mass immigration. Even so, the primary concern to environmentalists and Sierra Club members is the tremendous environmental impact that will be incurred as a consequence of continued U.S. population growth. (Source: Wikipedia)

Yes, it is impossible to absorb the number of excluded on the world through immigration.
80% of the natural resources are spent by 20% of population of the world, and not to mention the shame of exploitation of resources of less developed countries.
In conclusion, we need a new economic order. A new economy that solves the existing economical inequalities and correlated problems such as waste of energy and pollution
It is very difficult to think how to make it. Perhaps the poor countries together outside of the arranged game of UN will take some kind of action.
For sure the design of new solutions with the Capitalism as we know it today is impossible. A lesson that has to be taken from developed countries. Something new has to be thought and put to work changing selfishness for sharing and death for life.

Mateus - Essay on immigration


Millions of immigrants have helped in the making of the history and development of many countries. In the United States, for example, the economic development has been supported by those who have given their lives for being part of the labor force. Countries in Europe, such as France opened their borders to a diversity of workers in order to rebuild the country after the Second World War. The more immigrants stay in a country the more its level of multiculturalism will increase. However, the lack of integration between different cultures and the increasing number of illegal foreigners have made a controversial stereotype of the immigrants.
According to BBC, 60% of Spaniards link immigrants to crime. In Italy, newcomers can be deported promptly. Many countries also moved up the agenda and even considered changes in their immigration laws, e.g., France and the US. The latter encourages local police to check the immigration status of people and the former proposed new rules that would allow immediately expulsion of foreigners.
The resentment against immigrants is rising, but how far can it go? Are the politicians being guided by the atmosphere of intolerance? Or do they rely on the selfishness of their people? If Europe or the US still depends on the immigrants because of ageing populations and falling birth rates, why are they kicking out (or avoiding the entrance of) many people? The answers to these questions might be unknown, but there is a chance they are related to the attitude of not being open for integration, since this is always difficult due to the existence of different beliefs.
Another point of view is the consequences for a nation of loosening the visa laws, i.e., opening the country for newcomers rather than restricting the entrance. If illegal immigrants find out about such a place, it will turn out to be a magnet for people who want to stay and live without paying taxes. Additionally, the increasing population of foreigners can make a region develop a unique culture, apart from the rest of a country, as in the Canadian province of Quebéc, where the French-speaking majority have influenced a separatist movement.
In many countries, from colonial times in the past through the early 21st century, people from around the world have migrated to different places, including the now so-called under-developing nations as Brazil. Despite their different languages and cultures, they arrived to build new lives and find new perspectives for their family. As a result, they have contributed to the countries they have adopted and are part of the frustrations and accomplishments of those nations.

Marcos - Essay on immigration

Historical approach of the immigration in Brazil.

The history of immigration in Brazil began in the early 19th century with the end of slavery. The Slaves (Africans who had to work without salary) didn’t have to be forced to work in farms, and the farmers had to search for other workers to their farms. The Portuguese were the first that came, to work in the coffee plantations in the countryside of São Paulo State, from that time on, many other people around the world also came.
The most expressive number of immigrants that arrived in Brazil was undoubtedly the European, mainly Portuguese, Italians and Germans. Europe was going through the World War I and many people fleeing from the war came to Brazil, especially to work in the aforementioned coffee plantations in São Paulo and Minas Gerais States and in the agriculture of the South of Brazil, such as in Santa Catarina State.
Arriving in the seaport of Santos, the Italians and Portuguese moved toward the countryside of São Paulo and Minas Gerais and the Germans to South, Santa Catarina State. They started by finding work and building their homes there, and bringing the remaining of their families that were still living in Europe.
From the last decade of 19th century to nowadays, it has been clearly observed another kind of immigrants in Brazil, coming from Asia, especially the Japanese and Chinese. These other immigrants have decided to settle down in the city of São Paulo, and have been working with trade market, e.g. selling a great variety of thing, including technologic equipment, clothes, food etc.
Around the world immigrants have not been very approving toward immigartion, but here in Brazil, immigrants are seen as people who help us to build our country and culture and who bring us a little bit of each nation.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Roseli - Tabloid Article

The next Adriana’s husband.

Adriana is a famous Brazilian actress, who had many husbands. The last was
A fireman with wonderful physical attributes. He was younger than she. They were always on the beach, where people paid a lot of attention to them.
Then when he died, she had a surprise, he was involved with drugs and another woman.
She has been single since this event. Now she is making a trip to Europe by ship.
Adriana says her next husband will be older but not very much, prettier and richer than the others, a real prince for her. She intends to give a big party to introduce him to society.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mariane Rodrigues - Tabloid Article

Scandal at ECA

Today ECA (Communication and Arts School) woke up shocked like we had never seen before.

Last night, September 20, one event happened much awaited in the last months: the costume party Melindrosa. Everything was going well at the party until the arrival of the great character of night: Clayton.

Clayton Silva, 20 years old, is a student of journalism very known at ECA. Being one of the most popular directors of the athletics, he surprised everyone by showing his “new side”.

Since the beginning of night when the party began, Clayton was seen very excited and drinking a lot. After a few hours – and many beers, vodka, jurupinga and other drinks –at the sound of Madonna he was excited and….took off his clothes! shirt to one side of the room, pants thrown into the crowd and underwear .... well, nobody saw where the underwear ended up

Some people said that his dignity was lost amid the mess. For two hours the success of the dance floor was the "naked dance" until the organization of the party had to interfere to end the "attraction".

It was really a scandal in University and everyone at USP has heard about what happened.

Poor Clayton, after the party his popularity has been shaken and will decrease…or not? Only time will tell…

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Renata - My home

My house, my home…

I have to describe my house, my home. But it is not that simple. Although describing physically my house is easier, it is harder to describe how I feel at home.

So I’m going to start by talking about the house. The outside walls are beige and the gates are dark blue. The inside walls are light pink. My bedroom is light purple and my mother’s bedroom is light blue. My house has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a laundry. Describing that, it seems a big house and indeed it is, but nowadays my home is bigger than it was about ten years ago.

In my bedroom I like my bed and my TV so much, because when I go to bed, it is the only time that I watch TV. I like my pillow too, because in it I can think about many things.

I have been living there since I was born. When I was fifteen years old, I lived with my mother, dad, grandmother and brother. At that time, my parents split up then my dad moved out. As a result, my home started getting bigger. When I was eighteen years old my brother got married and my home got emptier. About three years ago my grandmother died, so in the house remained only my mom and me and my home got really, really big.

I do not like to be alone, so while my mom is working I prefer to stay at USP studying with my friends and doing my research. I want to live there until I get married. So I would like to get married and have a lot of children, because I miss the time that my home was full of people and happiness.

Renata - Travel log

One beautiful trip

I`m going to tell you about one trip that I took in January 2008. I went to Morro de São Paulo, with my boyfriend and my sister-in-law. Morro de São Paulo is an island about two hours from Salvador, so to get there, we took a plane to Salvador and after that, we took a boat to reach the island. We took this boat in front of the “Elevador Lacerda”, a touristic point of Salvador.

We stayed four days on the side of island that has only the small village and some kiosks on the beaches. We had access to four beaches. So besides going to the beach, we took a boat tour to the other side of the island. Before arriving to the other side, we stopped in a natural pool, where there were many different fish. On the other side, we had lunch and after that, we returned by a way that the natives call “salt water river”, where the water is very calm. In this river there is a “stop of oysters”, so for those who like oysters it is the perfect place, the oysters are very fresh because they are taken out of the water at the time.

Another thing that we did was climbing a stairway on the mountain which indicated the theater. At the top of the stairs there were two arrows, right to the theater, left to the beaches. First we went to the theater that looked like an old arena theater. After that, we went to the other side, to the beaches. Remember that we were practically on top of the mountain. We walked through the trees until another staircase to the beach, but at this moment, on the top of the mountain, I had the most beautiful view, the nature, the beaches, the sun…

With so many beautiful things, I couldn´t have missed my home, I missed only my family.
In this trip I learned to appreciate the simple things in life.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fernanda - A biography

Louis Pasteur 1822 – 1895

Louis Pasteur is famous for the creation of the pasteurization technique but he is also known for the development of vaccines which came from the discovery of microbes as cause of diseases.
Louis Pasteur was born on December 27, 1822, in the small town of Dôlo, France. Interestingly, his great-grandfather worked in the tanning business and part of the tanning process relies on microbes.

In 1843 he entered the École Normale Supérieure. He attended chemistry classes of Jean Baptiste Dumas which aroused his interest in Chemistry. After that, he became Chemistry Professor in Estrasburgo and afterwards in Paris.

Some winemakers and brewers of the region asked him to discover how wine and beer soured. During the investigation using a microscope, he found that yeasts are involved in this process as well as the fermentation and organic decomposition were attributed to microorganisms. Hence he created the pasteurization technique. In 1865, his discover was used by the surgeon Joseph Lister to eliminate microorganisms in wounds and surgical incisions.

In the year of 1871, Pasteur insisted that all physician and military hospitals should adopt the pasteurization technique in the instruments used in medical processes.

After 1879 he used attenuated microorganism to produce vaccines against cholera and rabies.
Pasteur died in December, 28th 1895.

The Pasteur Institute was founded in 1888 by Louis Pasteur and is, nowadays, one of the most important research centers of the world.

Carlos - A biography

José Saramago

José de Souza Saramago, or just José Saramago, was born in a small Portuguese village called Azinhaga, on the province of Ribatejo on November 16th, 1922, and died on June 18th, 2010. His landless peasant family moved to Lisbon, where his father started to work as a policeman when he was just two years and there he lived much of his life. “Saramago”, a plant known as wild radish in English, was incorporated by accident to his name; that was the nickname of his fathers' family.

Although Saramago was a good student, his family couldn't send him to a college, and he graduated in a technical school as a mechanic. Nevertheless, he maintained contact with the books on his night visits to the Municipal Library. Later, he worked as translator and journalist. He married Ilda Reis in 1944. In 1947, at the age of 25, he wrote his first novel, Terra do Pecado (Land of Sin, in a free translation), in the same year his only child, Violante, was born. He had a second wife, the journalist Pilar del Rio, who lived with Saramago from 1988 until his death. But only in 1975, at the age of 53, after the publication of some chronicles and poetry books (and also after some controversies on the period that he worked as assistant editor), he finally started his successful carrier as a novelist.

The first acclaimed book of Saramago was Baltasar and Blimunda (Memorial do Convento, in the original), released on 1982, about a love story that takes place in the Convent of Mafra at the 18th century, using real and fictitious characters. Among the most important books he wrote, besides the above mentioned, there are The year of the death of Ricardo Reis, about one of the many heteronyms of Fernando Pessoa, and the most controversial one, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ, in which he reinterprets the New Testament using an human Jesus against an ambitious God.

Saramago was not only a brilliant novelist – he won the Camões Prize in 1995 and the Nobel Prize in 1998, but he was also a very polemic character. He, as an assumed atheist, had public discussions with the Catholic Church, and was censored in his own country – one of the reasons for his moving to Spain. He also militated in the Communist Party for decades, and was accused of Anti-Semitism because of the interpretations of his comments about the Jews in an interview for a Brazilian magazine. But, in the end, he will be mainly remembered, at least for the book lovers, for his major contribuition to the Portuguese Literature, his unique style and his insightful narratives. In the last post of his blog, Saramago gives us a message for reflection:

"I think in today's society we need philosophy.
Philosophy as space, place, method of reflection,
that may not have a goal,
as science, which advances to meet objectives.
We lack reflection, thinking, and it seems to me that, without ideas,
we're going nowhere. "

Monday, July 12, 2010

Flavia - Profile

He’s Wilson. He has two daughters and one son. His married to Renilde and they are very happy.

He studies law and he is a businessman. He gets up at 6:00 am and has breakfast at university. After 7:30am he goes to study. At 11:00am, he goes home. At 5:00pm, he goes to work and 12:00am he goes to bed. He never has holidays, but in his free time he watches tv, goes to the shopping center and does many things more.

Maria José - A BIOGRAPHY


When Elton said that we couldcan choose a biography as a theme for the last composition, I decided to talk about someone I’ve never seen, but I dreamt ofto knowing; someone who has made something different in his/her time. Then, I decided to talk about Jean-Michel Basquiat, because this year we would celebratecommemorated his fiftieth birthdayfifties.

Jean-Michel Basquiat was an African-American painter born in Brooklyn, New York, on December, 22, 1960. His father was an accountant that migrated from Haiti to theThe United States and his mother was a Puerto Rican descendent. At the age of three, Basquiat started drawing cartoons. His career was encouraged by his mother, Mathilde, who took him to New York museums when he was a child. For this reason, at the age of six, his favorite program was to visit The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). When he was eleven, he was fluent in Spanish and French and used to read about Historyhistory, mythology and Symbolist poetry in these languages. These reading reflected in his choicechose of his themes and in the high level of his work. In 1968 Basquiat suffered a car accident and stayed in a hospital during a month. During this period, his mother gave him the book Grey’s Anatomy. This book wouldwill influence his career, because he wouldwill use details of bodies of anatomic pieces in his paintingspainter. In 1977 Basquiat, using the character “SAMO”, started spray-painting graffiti in downtown Manhattan buildings and subway. In 1978, his friends Al Diaz joined to him in graffiti painting and both used “SAMO” signature. These graffiti called attention by their poetical and political themes and by their high quality. Basquiat was unsatisfied by the success of “SAMO” graffiti and decided to stop the project at the end of 1978, declaring that “SAMO IS DEAD” on the SoHo’ walls. At that same time, Basquiat dropped out of school, ranrun away from home and lived as a homeless, selling painting T-shirts and postcards on Manhattan streets to survive. After having quitdropped out the graffiti, he initiated his career as a painterpainting and in 1982 he became part of the Neo-expressionist movement. Basquiat met Andy Warhol in 1982 and became his close friend. Warhol helped Basquiat in his career and both developed some work together until 1985. In 1982, at the age of twenty one, Basquiat had his first exhibition called Anatomy. After this exhibition, he became a very famous artist and his paintings werewas exhibited over the world. He became an icon of the beat bop culture. In 1985 he developed problems with drug abuse and it interfered with his relationship and in his job, but he continued creating more and more. In 1987, with the death of Andy Warhol, Basquiat’s depression increased and on August, 12, he, unexpectedly, died of a drug overdose. Basquiat was a critic artist and in his painting he showedn political themes as genocide, oppression and racism; he rescued his Haitian heritage; he dared subverting classical painting themes as Monalisa. He renewed art concepts, incorporating words in his paintings. Although he had died earlier, Basquiat had becomewas one of most creative and fascinating artist of out time. This composition is my tribute to him.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Patricia - Informal letter

July, 02 2010
Hi Mari, I need your help. As I told you my daughter-in-law spent three months in a host family’s house in Canada to learn English.
The course finished yesterday and in few days she is coming to Brazil with them.
As I’m going to host the family and I want to brush up my English, I think that’s very polite to bring them to see the most important spots in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. First of all, I’d like to bring them to the Terraço Italia restaurant to see the incredible view of the city. Then I d’like to show Paulista Avenue, Ibirapuera Park, and the Ipiranga Museum.
In Rio de Janeiro I want to invite them to make a tour in Rocinha slum because it’s the biggest one in the world, then we can go to the Sugar Loaf, Christ the Redeemer and at the end of the day, we can have dinner at the most famous barbecue restaurant called Porcao.
The next day we can spend all day long at prainha beach where famous actors can sunbathe without being recognized.
Do you know other places worth visiting in Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro?
Please give some tips to make their trip unforgettable
Thank you very much

Patricia - Talking about home

I have known many places in the world and definitely my house is the best one.
You are probably asking why that is so.
Now I’m going to tell you.
At home I can do whatever I want at any time, without asking anybody. For instance, if I want to make a sophisticated dish at midnight nobody will bother me because of that. At my house I make the rules.
I love to invite friends to have dinner in. In fact, my husband loves to invite people more than me. All the desserts served in our parties are made by him.
Another thing that I really love to do is to take care of our house. I know how to organize everything and a friend of mine asked me if I want to work as a personal organizer.
Since I got married in 2007 I have lived in an apartment and enjoyed this experience a lot. My husband has a daughter called Maria Fernada and she lives with us too.
I’m very grateful for having a nice place to live with people that I love.

Andre - Biography

Airton Senna

Airton Senna da Silva was born in March 1960. His father gave a go-kart to his sister as a gift, but because she refused it, he gave it to Airton instead, when he was just 4 years old. He made his debut in official competitions when he was 13 years old. He has won the South-American Go-Kart Championship twice and the Brazilian Go-Kart Championship three times, although he has never won the World Championship neither the Paulista Championship.
In 1981, he started racing in Europe, winning the Formula Ford 1600 championship and the Formula Ford 2000 in the next year. In 1983 he has won the English Formula 3 Championship and because of this, he was invited to race in Formula One, in 1984.
He drove for 10 years, won the championship title three times and had very good numbers to put him as one of the top drivers in the history. He was very skilled when driving in the rain and was considered the “king of Monaco”, where he won 6 times. Unfortunately, he was tragically killed in a car accident during Imola GP in 1994, when he was driving for Williams, one of the best teams that year.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Henrique - A Biography

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton was born in a calm neighborhood called Woolsthorpe Manor, in Lincolnshire, England on January, 4th, 1643. Unfortunately, his father died some months before Newton was born. He lived with his grandmother after his mother got marriage again. He was not a good student, so one day, after a fight with a classmate he decided to be the best student in his school. Newton’s mother took him out of school to take care of their farm, but his principal convinced her to let him came back to school. He did not like his stepfather and once he said to his mother: “I will put fire in your house with you and your husband inside it.”
Newton studied at Trinity College of Cambridge and graduated in 1665 but in 1666 the black pest made Newton come back to his mother’s house. However, he studied during this period and developed the Differential Calculus, theories about the light, the law of Universal Gravitation and a new kind of telescope.
He became Mathematics Professor in Cambridge in 1669 and a member of the Royal Society in 1672. Afterwards, from 1687 to 1690, he worked as member of the British parliament. Newton became the principal of the money house in 1701 and president of the Royal Society in 1703.
The Great Three Laws of Newton were published in 1687 in his famous book Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. In 1704 he wrote his most important article about optics, called Opticks, about the ideas that he had had since 1670. Newton wrote several articles about philosophy, occultism, alchemy and religion.
In 1705, Queen Anne gave him the title of sir and he was the first scientist to receive it. Some biographers say that his unique love was a woman called Anne Storer, others say that Newton died virgin, although there is not good evidence to support this. In fact, he had an introspective personality, difficult temperament and frequently spent many hours alone, thinking about his theories and building objects. Newton died on March, 20th, 1727. His body is in the famous Westminster Abbey. Alexander Pope, one of his friends, wrote after Newton’s dead: "Nature and nature's laws lay hid in night; God said 'Let Newton be' and all was light".

Henrique - A narrative

Beyond the space - time

The year was 1931 and I lived in Fernando de Noronha. I had a small house and a simple life, fishing and sailing. I liked to fish some miles from the island in a place that the kind of fish was the best that I knew. So one day I went to that place and I found an island that I had never seen, so I landed there.
It was a small island, without plants and trees, only dark rocks and a white building. The building had a big golden door and I pushed it open easily. After this, I saw the most wonderful thing in my life.
Inside the building there was only a circular room with a big black box in the middle. This room was very bright because, at the top, there was a sphere emitting something like Northern lights. The wall was full of strange hieroglyphs, so I tried to read them. Most of them showed strange disks flying and people with a non-human appearance. Others showed stars and something like a planet. Along those there were some with buildings and something like a big city. At last there was one showing people touching a box. So I turned around and I saw the black box. Slowly I walked to it and when I was close I put my hands on its surface.
The surface of the box started to oscillate, like when we throw a stone in the water, and then the box got full of stars. After this, some images appeared in my mind. I could see a space ship with aliens inside landing on the Earth and starting a new civilization. But something happened and it disappeared in the sea.
I could understand everything. That space ship hadn’t come from a planet, but it came from a Space between the Spaces. The aliens traveled many Spaces to find a planet where they could start a new civilization called it Atlantis, which in their language was something like “new world“. All the information and their knowledge, this civilization saved in the black box that was a computer. But they discovered that this planet was very unstable, because there were many volcanoes and earthquakes happening here. In fact, a big earthquake destroyed Atlantis, but some of the citizens survived and colonized other parts of the Earth. The box showed that 12500 year after the destruction of Atlantis there would be some earthquakes in all the world, that would damage the surface of the Earth and then a big one would ultimately destroy the planet. It would happen, as the computer appointed, in 81 years in the future. In our calendar, this means in the year of 2012.
After this, I came back to reality and the floor started to shake a lot. So I ran to my boat and went to the sea. The Island went underwater very fast. I was very confused but I wasn’t worried because until 2012 there would be much time to live.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Claudio - Biography

Some words about György Ligeti's life and art

I decided to write these words about György Ligeti's life and art because I like his music very much. I'm such a lover of Ligeti's music that I decided to do a master and a doctorate about his language and probably I'll continue that sort of research in the future.

The Hungarian György Ligeti was, along with important figures like the German Karlheinz Stockhausen and the French Pierre Boulez, one of the most important composers in the European avant-garde that began to emerge in the 60's. Despite his art has been well appreciated in classical music circles, the general public is yet to know his works.

Ligeti was born in 1923 in a Hungarian Jewish family in Transylvania. Since he was a child he studied music and read a lot of literature. Although he didn't listen to modern music when he was a kid, he already used to create new sounds and harmonies in an old piano, which he had in his house.

While he lived in Hungary, he was influenced by the Bartók's style. At that time, his works were very close to the musical language of Béla Bartók and the folk songs of his country. He studied in effect many folk pieces, made transcriptions, and used those materials in his earliest works that have, unfortunately, remained unpublished.

Certainly, his most notable piece was Atmosphères from 1960 and it led him to be famous. He wrote that work as soon as he moved to Austria. After that success, he received numerous awards and distinctions.

Much of Ligeti's work was written using chromatic clusters chords. However, his later music showed an interest in African songs. His language became more consonant and easier to the general public. During the last period of his life he composed almost piano pieces in a new style, very different than the previous one.

He lived until his death in Vienna, the city where he had been wishing so much to live when he inhabited his place of birth.

Fábio - Profile

My brother’s vacations

I will talk about my brother’s Vacation. It’s very simple, because he doesn't do useful things.
He is 17 and he is a student.
On his weekdays, he gets up at ten o’clock, but he goes back to bed at one past ten.
Finally, around two o’clock, he gets up to live the day. He goes to the living room and he watches TV. He doesn’t have a breakfast. Around three o’clock, he has lunch, after lunch he goes back to the living room to carry on his day in the world of television. At 7 o’clock, he goes to shop near my house and he buys some snack for his unhealthy lifestyle. After the snack, he plays computer games a lot, if there isn’t a good movie on TV.
Around eleven o’clock he has dinner. After dinner he goes to the living room again to watch more TV.
He rarely plays football or other sports.
Sometimes he visits his friends or goes out on weekends or it’s like weekdays.

Maristela - News

Fabulous Fabiano: Brazilian fabulous striker guides team to Sixth World Soccer Championship

Luis Fabiano, Brazilian team striker, dedicated the celebration of two goals to his daughter, who recently celebrated a birthday. He was named man of the match because he spectacularly scored one of the most spectacular goals of his career.
“This is our target to win once again but it’s still a long way to get there,” Brazil midfielder Gilberto Silva said enthusiastically in an interview after the match in Johannesburg.
Latelly, Elano scored the other goal in a victory that puts Brazil on the position of six points in Group G, five ahead Ivory Coast and Portugal, which meets last-placed North Korea in Cape Town. Recently, Brazil has beaten North Korea in its opening game on June 15.
Elano was severely hurt by running into Ivory Coast player after he had scored the goal. The referee did nothing about it.
Unfortunately, Brazil ended the game with 10 players after Kaka had received a second yellow card for elbowing substitute Kader Keita with five minutes remaining.
Ivory Coast coach Sven-Goran Eriksson said at interview that the Brazilian team has quality and it was mostly seen as defending very well. Furthermore, he found that our team was difficult to defeat.

Angelina - Biography

Johnny Mathis, an American singer of popular music

I have always loved romantic songs and I have been listening to Johnny Mathis’s songs which enchant my heart. Mathis is such an exceptional singer who has an interpretation that wonders all. He has sold more than 350 million records since 1956 until nowadays.
Mathis was born on September 30th, 1935, in Gilmer, Texas. Although his parents were domestic workers, they were searching for better chances and the family then moved to San Francisco when he was very young
At that time, his father used to work for a time as vaudeville performer and he realized that his son loved too, so he decided to buy a piano to encourage his efforts. He started out singing at elementary school and church events. Then, he studied with Connie Cox for six years learning vocal scales, classical and operatic skills. At George Washington High School, Mathis was well known not only by his singing abilities but also as a top athlete on the basketball team and fields sports.
Afterwards, he was spotted by Helen Noga and given a job as singer on weekends at Ann Dee’s 440 Club where George Avakian, a Columbia’s jazz producer, found him. His first album was a slower selling jazz album, “A New Sound in Popular Song”, but in his second album, the producer preferred him singing romantic ballads. In 1956 Mathis recorded two of his popular songs: “Wonderful, Wonderful” and “It’s not for me to say”. Also, that year he was invited to sing in films.
Although he is frequently described as a romantic singer, his discography includes jazz, soul, blues, country, soft rock and so many others. Mathis recorded over 110 albums and his Merry Christmas album in 1958 made him the third most successful recording artist ever. He received the title “The Voice of Romance” and three Grammy awards.
Mathis continues his career. However, he limited his concert engagements to few appearances for a year since 2000.
I wish I could go to a concert of Johnny Mathis some time because I’m a fan of this fantastic American singer!

Simone - News

Fire destroys snake collection in Brazil

On the last May 15th, a fire destroyed one of the largest world’s snake collection in the laboratory of reptiles of Butantã Institute, São Paulo.
The fire started around 7:30am and it was controlled only one hour after. The building where the reptiles were kept didn’t have anti-fire system or fire hydrant. Then, either a short-circuit or an electrical overload were two suggested hypotheses to be the probable cause of the fire. In fact, the fire was a lamentable incident because the maintenance of grid was being done frequently, and the last one had just been performed some hours before the fire started.
Although nobody was hurt, the fire destroyed a collection that had been started 120 years ago and which had about 85 thousand snakes and 450 thousand arachnids (including spiders and scorpions). There were many species not described by the science yet and others rare or extinct ones.
According to fire-fighters, the temperature reached about 1200C and the fire spread quickly because the species were preserved in glasses containing alcoholic and formalin solutions. Immediately after the fire was controlled, all the live animals were removed and taken to a safe place.
“Unfortunately, it is an irreplaceable heritage to our country” said one of the Institute’s researchers.
While the fire causes are being clarified a new project of recuperation of reptile’s laboratory is being prepared.