Friday, June 27, 2008

“What makes people attractive”

by Vânia Susaki

When girls and boys start to have their bodies modified because of puberty they pay more attention to the opposite gender. So, we have the beginning of attractiveness problems.
Looking attractive to other people makes you feel more trusty about yourself, having a good appearance makes people want to be close to you. Specially when we start to search for a boyfriend or a girlfriend.

Girls spend hours at beuty parlours doing nails, hair, make up... and boys usually look for a style that they can fit in, like: fashion, sport, rap, etc... All the efforts are made to mantain a good appearance, but what makes people attractive? Is it the clothes? Is it the hair? Is it the style? Thinking about what can make you good-looking can cause a loss of personality, as a consequence of trying to be attractive to other people you forget what you really want to be, you worry so much about being what they want you to be that, in the end, you don’t know what you really want.

Another problem is about surgeries, people think: “Oh Angelina Jolie is gorgeous! I want to be like her”, and they search for a doctor that can make this dream come true. Result: they spend a lot of money trying to be someone that’s hot but you, also, will never be 100% like Angelina, and even if you get it, you’re not going to be yourself anymore. Is it worthy?

But we can think, on other hand, of some positive points, sometimes trying to improve your appearance can result in happiness. For example, you hate your nose because it’s too big or too small, and when you go and repair it you’re doing a benefit to yourself, and being happy inside can atract more happiness outside.
So, what makes people look atractive is being happy like they are and don’t mind about what media or other people want.

Beauty and appearance

By Setsuko Mabuchi

I’ve always heard “it’s what on the person’s inner part that counts”. I agree but there us also a person’s other side to consider. In reality, the first impression on someone is due to general appearance. Besides, there are many jobs or activities that demand good appearance, or rather, a sleek or well-cared-for appearance. Actors, public people, hosts, salespeople, public relations are some of the people who need taking care of their looks to invest with confidence in their activities. For this, there are devices like plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures.

Many positive and negative consequences can be mentioned as a result of this demand. At first, only people who depend on their public image used the most variable devices to improve appearance, but nowadays more and more people are doing anything to maintain their youthful image.

Positive effects are: feeling of well-being, needs satisfied and more confident and happier people.
Negative aspects are: people worried only about appearance, excess of vanity, forgetting other values and risks, complications after plastic surgery, unreal expectations, consumption of unhealthy drugs to lose weight or to obtain muscles (for men)…

In my opinion, to correct any physical imperfection that bothers us, in this case plastic surgery, another procedure should be done. I’m in favor of reasonable use of cosmetic procedures because considering the negative effects of a surgery, I certainly wouldn’t do it. We have to be attentive to things related to appearance that bring us health and happiness.

Alimentary problems

By Men Aparecida Silva

The alimentary upsets are real and they are increasing in a frightening way all over the world. The women are the main victims of these upsets because they correspond to ninety percent of the patients, but according to the scientists, men are also affected by alimentary upsets.

Nowadays, about one percent of the world’s female population, from eighteen to forty years old, has a difficult relationship with food. Most of the patients have the first symptoms at the end of adolescence or after the forties in case of the women near menopause. A research shows that out of 279 adolescents interviewed at a private school in São Paulo, twenty-nine percent have some alimentary upsets: some ate too much (compulsion), others didn’t eat anything (anorexia) and other youngsters ate too much during meals and afterwards they threw up (bulimia).

All people would like to have a perfect silhouette because this will allow them to get social success. Besides, the media increases this aspect showing that the people who work out have more possibilities to have a better appearance. You can improve it not only by working out but by eating right.

On the other hand, people who go on a diet should not forget that extreme dieting can result in many serious health problems which usually need long medical treatment because the alimentary upsets (compulsion, anorexia and bulimia) are caused by biological and social factors as a whole. The adolescents, who look up to the models that appear to be extremely thin but happy and powerful on television, want to look like them.

In conclusion, I think that the people should take care to have a healthy life, working out and eating enough to keep their body and mind on balance.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The beauty in the world

By Silvia

Nowadays people are very concerned with their image. People worry about their physical appearance. I think that it is body worship. This worship is caused by the world media (mainly TV, specially magazines and newspaper) that stimulate this way of life. As a consequence a lot of beauty and aesthetic clinics, gyms inundate the cities.

I think it is very important to take care of our body so that we have a good health. It is important to have appropriate nourishment and to practice some physical exercises regularly and it is also important to take care of appearance but not too much.
Some negatives effects result of this culture. A lot of girls under its influence are on diet for eternity and one of the results of this is that they become sick people with serious diseases, like anorexia and bulimia.

In my opinion, the effects are more negative than positive. It is important to take care of the appearance but not in excess. People think only about that and forget important values of life. We see mothers inducing their young daughters only kids, to participate in beauty contests, to be models and appear in the media .As a consequence, people become very materialistic and individualistic. Very empty-headed people.


By Maria Tereza

I had thought that people were concerned about their body image as a consequence of the media influence. It’s true… Media can cause a strong impact on people’s mind in many ways.

One of the results of media’s effects is the encouragement for people to lose weight. This fact is due to the use of slim and beautiful people to the advertisements by the media. To present slim people and products at the same time can result in suggestions to buy these products to use them to try to improve their bodies.

On the other hand, maladies such as anorexia or bulimia are caused by excess of self-demand of the female teens about being very slim to become famous models.

I agree we must take care of our bodies to be healthy people. We need to eat healthy food such as organic fruit, vegetables, olive oil and walk regularly. If you practice some physical exercise, you’ll improve your body too. The regular movement body makes us happier and in shape! And as a result of all attention to our body such as healthy food, skin cleaning, comfortable clothes, psychological and medical preventive treatments, people can live better and for long time!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Beauty is a beast

by Danilo Landim

The patterns of beauty shown by the media have a great social power. Such power influences in some way our preferences concerning what we think is more attractive in men and women. For instance, many people try to follow or dream about the ideals of beauty. Many girls around the world try to imitate the “celebrities”, even though these patterns of beauty do not correspond to their natural traits. Boys are each time more tempted to reach the male models. It is possible to say that this phenomenon is spreading in such dimensions that the models of beauty are not only the ones which the media shows. Some common people who are not in media turned out to be new “celebrities” in smaller circuits, but they are products of media influences.
Although media power contributes to the lack of authonomy upon what we truly like in people’s appearance, we could not say we are in a catastrophical situation. Patterns of every type are part of life, and they somehow help us recognize the human limitation in determining which of our tastes have not been created by external forces. In other words, doubts related to the authenticity of the tastes we have would remain. Specially focusing in beauty, it would be useless to measure this sort of authencity, due to other influences such as the biological and cultural factors that influence our judgement about which kind of people are attractive or not.
However, these philosophical remarks could not excuse the nocive consequences of pattens of beauty upon public health. By promoting standards of beauty which are too far away from the common reality, the media has produced many “social disorders”: trying crazily to reach a perfect appearance, girls die by anorexia everyday, and they suffer from troubles like bulimia and low self-esteem; all of these problems are generally symptoms that occur when the girls fail to achieve their objectives. Moreover, an increasing number of boys are also becoming sick by the use of anabolic steroids.
The force of the big brands and big corporations could explain this nightmare. In order to increase their profits, they do business with the media and adopt many other strategies to sell their products. They have chosen vulnerable people to be their consumers, and noticing that these people do not have solid own values, they try to impose them the ones related to beauty (the values could be related to every other thing, but beauty is what these economical agents sell). Even who does not have money to invest in their beauty incorporates values related to the world of fashion and fame that are associated to the patterns of beauty.
Looking attentively to these aspects, we can say without compass that media and the patterns of beauty are killing people and our civilization. But the origin of this phenomenon is nothing more and nothing less than the capitalism necessities. Who would imagine that beauty would be transformed into such a perverse force?

Media and the new beauty patterns

by Vanessa Chinen

Magazines, advertisements, TV commercials… Everything seems to impose what we’re supposed to wear, to buy or even how we’re supposed to behave and look. Like it or not, we’re all somehow influenced by media.
Several years ago, people considered larger women the most attractive ones. Nowadays, beauty patterns are completely different from back then. For someone to be beautiful, he or she has to be very, very skinny (in women’s case) or have a very muscular and athletic body (in men’s case). Of course overweight is not a good thing if you care about your health, but some people’s obsession for losing weight is definitely not healthy.
Due to this worship of thinness, diseases like anorexia and bulimia are getting more and more common. The worst thing is that there are even websites that spread the idea that is good to have diseases like these.
Also, as a consequence of these news patterns, people are a lot more concerned about their body image and a lot of gyms have opened lately. Physical exercises are recommended for people to keep a good health, as long as they do it carefully, not only thinking about their body image. Physical exercises in excess and without professional help can cause more damages than benefits in some cases. These beauty patterns that media spreads all over the world can cause a lot of damages to many people. They try to lose as much weight as they can, need to have that new hair cut or a new pair of silicon implants and want to look like that top model who is so skinny that it seems that she has never eaten anything different from lettuce, tofu and chlorophyll juice in her entire life. The ones who can’t reach these patterns are considered ugly (or, at least, not that beautiful). And the ones who can, become slaves of that image of beauty that media imposes. Is up to each one of us to have common sense and tell what is acceptable and healthy from what may cause us any harm.

Media and the construction of beauty patterns

By Sivana Vergopolan

To be a beautiful woman nowadays, you need to be skinnier, have big breasts, a wonderful body, and a long straight blond hair, be tanned and have a perfect smile. This is the beauty pattern.
Every hour, every day, in your entire life, whatever you look, whatever you listen, from the moment you awake to the moment you sleep, you’re being bombard by advertisements that will tell you what you should use and that you have to be beautiful and wealthy.
Just turn on the TV and someone will show you what kind of car you have to drive, what you must have eaten for breakfast, for lunch, dinner, the right toothpaste, shampoo, moisturizes, soap, CDs, and a lot of things and machines you don’t even know that was possible to exist. Everything is showing you by handsome guys and perfect girls with terrific bodies and they swear to you: “you can have these muscles too with our new product”
You see and realize you need it! How could you live without it until today? Maybe that is the reason why you don’t have a girlfriend like that!
This feeling is caused by the media power and as a consequence you buy, buy, and buy.
This is the media work and this is not a fair game because every new day a new product that promises to make you skinner, fashion and cool is shown you in the media.
The media was invented to lead people to believe, for example, which by drinking a specific brand of beer can make you date that Diva of the advertisement. It is absurd, but works.
As it works when they convince you that if you drive that car you’ll look like a loser.
Why it works? Because you don’t want to be a loser, you want to be a winner.
Being a loser can cause sadness, loneliness and these kinds of feelings nobody wants.
The main problem is today this beauty pattern works, makes you fashionable. Tomorrow it cannot works anymore. Everything is fast, disposable, replaceable.
But don’t worry my friend! The media will always be here to tell and sell you whatever you need to be “in” again. As a result you will be wearing the new clothes, shoes, shampoos, toothpaste and cereal. You will be driving the new fancy car and trying to keep up with it, even if you don’t realize that. This is the result of the human nature .The human greed.
Vanity is something amazing. It’s definitely my favorite sin.
People need to stand out in a crowd, need to differentiate themselves from the others, need to acquire lavish things at any price and it can result in diseases, phobias, disturbs and a lot of bills.
But what can we do? We need to be cool to be accepted by the others. So, we work more to have more money, to buy fancy things, to be cools, to be accepted by the others.
And whatever happens, the media will be there to help us and sell us everything we need and more than we can dream.
Whatever can it be? In the end, it is all about money and vanity. That’s my opinion.
Nobody is victim and nobody is villain. We’re just human beings.

May 11 of 2008