Monday, June 16, 2008

Media and the construction of beauty patterns

By Sivana Vergopolan

To be a beautiful woman nowadays, you need to be skinnier, have big breasts, a wonderful body, and a long straight blond hair, be tanned and have a perfect smile. This is the beauty pattern.
Every hour, every day, in your entire life, whatever you look, whatever you listen, from the moment you awake to the moment you sleep, you’re being bombard by advertisements that will tell you what you should use and that you have to be beautiful and wealthy.
Just turn on the TV and someone will show you what kind of car you have to drive, what you must have eaten for breakfast, for lunch, dinner, the right toothpaste, shampoo, moisturizes, soap, CDs, and a lot of things and machines you don’t even know that was possible to exist. Everything is showing you by handsome guys and perfect girls with terrific bodies and they swear to you: “you can have these muscles too with our new product”
You see and realize you need it! How could you live without it until today? Maybe that is the reason why you don’t have a girlfriend like that!
This feeling is caused by the media power and as a consequence you buy, buy, and buy.
This is the media work and this is not a fair game because every new day a new product that promises to make you skinner, fashion and cool is shown you in the media.
The media was invented to lead people to believe, for example, which by drinking a specific brand of beer can make you date that Diva of the advertisement. It is absurd, but works.
As it works when they convince you that if you drive that car you’ll look like a loser.
Why it works? Because you don’t want to be a loser, you want to be a winner.
Being a loser can cause sadness, loneliness and these kinds of feelings nobody wants.
The main problem is today this beauty pattern works, makes you fashionable. Tomorrow it cannot works anymore. Everything is fast, disposable, replaceable.
But don’t worry my friend! The media will always be here to tell and sell you whatever you need to be “in” again. As a result you will be wearing the new clothes, shoes, shampoos, toothpaste and cereal. You will be driving the new fancy car and trying to keep up with it, even if you don’t realize that. This is the result of the human nature .The human greed.
Vanity is something amazing. It’s definitely my favorite sin.
People need to stand out in a crowd, need to differentiate themselves from the others, need to acquire lavish things at any price and it can result in diseases, phobias, disturbs and a lot of bills.
But what can we do? We need to be cool to be accepted by the others. So, we work more to have more money, to buy fancy things, to be cools, to be accepted by the others.
And whatever happens, the media will be there to help us and sell us everything we need and more than we can dream.
Whatever can it be? In the end, it is all about money and vanity. That’s my opinion.
Nobody is victim and nobody is villain. We’re just human beings.

May 11 of 2008


Vân said...

Oh my God! I this composition is amazing!

I agree about the media idea of buying things that make people better, but we never have sure this things will really make us better.

Instead of trying to sell us the best things, to say what we really need to be, what they want we to be, the media could start to use this power to warn people about some world's problems, like diseases, wars, lack of water...

Well, what am I talking about? This things are important, but they don't make you a people that other people want you to be.

Soon we all can be cool fashion people, without a world to live in.

Anonymous said...

It's sad but true, the art of convince people of the media is horrible. You feel that you don't have that shoes or that car you'll be a LOSER, so, you buy things that don't need and spend a lot of money in unuseles things. The media cretates a imaginaire world where everything is perfect when you have a determinate product.
But, if you take a look in a bar you never will find a pretty woman drinking a beer. And I have tried it!!!

Anonymous said...

You are very talented.
I am hungry for more!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'd like to thanks everybody who comment about my composition.
All I can say is :I'm very, very glad about it.Thank you teacher, you are the best teacher as ever.