Monday, June 16, 2008

Media and the new beauty patterns

by Vanessa Chinen

Magazines, advertisements, TV commercials… Everything seems to impose what we’re supposed to wear, to buy or even how we’re supposed to behave and look. Like it or not, we’re all somehow influenced by media.
Several years ago, people considered larger women the most attractive ones. Nowadays, beauty patterns are completely different from back then. For someone to be beautiful, he or she has to be very, very skinny (in women’s case) or have a very muscular and athletic body (in men’s case). Of course overweight is not a good thing if you care about your health, but some people’s obsession for losing weight is definitely not healthy.
Due to this worship of thinness, diseases like anorexia and bulimia are getting more and more common. The worst thing is that there are even websites that spread the idea that is good to have diseases like these.
Also, as a consequence of these news patterns, people are a lot more concerned about their body image and a lot of gyms have opened lately. Physical exercises are recommended for people to keep a good health, as long as they do it carefully, not only thinking about their body image. Physical exercises in excess and without professional help can cause more damages than benefits in some cases. These beauty patterns that media spreads all over the world can cause a lot of damages to many people. They try to lose as much weight as they can, need to have that new hair cut or a new pair of silicon implants and want to look like that top model who is so skinny that it seems that she has never eaten anything different from lettuce, tofu and chlorophyll juice in her entire life. The ones who can’t reach these patterns are considered ugly (or, at least, not that beautiful). And the ones who can, become slaves of that image of beauty that media imposes. Is up to each one of us to have common sense and tell what is acceptable and healthy from what may cause us any harm.


Danilo said...

Very good text, Vanessa!

In fact, human beings have a brain which is supposed to help us decide what to buy, how to behave and etc. I know that it’s not your intention to propose a way of escaping from the media influences, and I also think that it’s not intelligent to do that, because we aren’t too strong than media is. But I would add that sometimes it’s difficult to know if we are really free to decide by ourselves “what is acceptable and healthy”, as you suppose in your text. It’s just a doubt that I have about the authenticity of our judgement, although it’s more practical to go ahead and believe in ourselves even without answers to these questions. Whatever... let's not worry with this...

Anonymous said...

Creating image thru media is dangerous.

Good health is necessary. It´s important getting health food, working out without obsessions. Overdo it is not normal, because these people become slaves of beauty.It can affect their personality and humor.

The youngers have to separate what is positive and negative influency in the media, some diseases as anorexia can destroy them........

Taking care people.

Claudia - English on campus