Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Natália - Tabloid article

Celullari: The new love of the biggest advertising executive of Brazil?

Mariane is the Best advertising executive of Brazil. She earns on average one million dollars/month, currently.
She started her graduation in 2008 at University of São Paulo, year in which she moved from Mogi das Cruzes, quiet town of the state. She lived in Mogi for 20 years.
Mariane, was always very smart and talented, developed her work brightly and became famous...
Her campaigns won international fame and Mariane traveled a lot...knew many countries, met many people, had many romantic relationships...she was always very discreet, but we, of magazine Tititi, found something really impressive about the paulista millionaire: We found Who is the new Love of the biggest advertising executive of Brazil!
Last weekend we saw Mariane taking an ice cream with...nobody but Edson Cellulari...coincidence (or not), this week, the actor finished her marriage to Claudia Raia (a marriage of 10 years!!!).
Yes! the discreet advertising executive can be the cause of the couple’s separation!
Do not miss the next edition! Interview with a millionaire advertising executive and Edson Cellulari...we are sure Mariane, the beaultiful businesswoman is the responsible for the end to the solid union of Celulari and Raia...

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