Sunday, November 22, 2009

Funny News - Tassiana (P1)

São Paulo, October 30th, 2009

Last week, a Brazilian English National Exam was stolen and now it’s suspended. The main suspect is an English student of a language course organized by a group of the University of São Paulo. Alejandra, 17, is a Mathematician and since she started studying English she showed her insecurity when it came to speaking or writing in this language. The theft ocurred when the tests were being transported in an armored car.
Despite the security, Alejandra approached the driver to ask about the location of a street. Many people saw this, so she was accused because her behavior was inappropriate: Brazilian people know that you can’t talk to armored car drivers. To fight the charges, Alejandra said that she didn’t know about this rule because she came from another country, and she had no interest in this test. However, some colleagues of the English course said she was going to take the test and was very afraid of it.
While the police study the case, 3 million students who were preparing for the exam are waiting for an attitude by the government. The government said that a new date is going to be announced.

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