Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Smoking law - Vanesa (U3)

Nowadays, it seems that smoke-free law is one of the most discussed questions. The law forbids people to smoke in internal enviroments and harm a person who might be near them and would inhale the smoke.

As I understand it, the main question is where your freedom ends and the other person's rights begin. A lot of people argue that the law is unfair because it is against the right of freedom, but as I said, one's freedom ends when it starts damaging another one's freedom and rights.

Actually, I also think that everyone must have the right of choice, it's true. But in an indoor place, you can't choose or avoid inhaling the smoke.In this way, the law is a very good way to ensure that a smoker will be perfectly conscious to go out of the place and damage only his/her own health. After all, the law wouldn't be necessary if people did simple things that are simply their duty, like avoiding smoking in indoor places or next to a nonsmoker.

Finally, by increasing cigarette taxes, avoiding advertisement of this product or limiting their use in public places are necessary measures in order to encourage people to stop smoking. Sometimes a law like that works like an efficient way of education that becomes a very important habit, as what occured with car's safety belt law.

1 comment:

Saribera said...

Hi Vanessa,
Good composition. I think this smoking problem was not the biggest problem of our society, but I have sure this law is positive to everybody.