Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ika - Inventions


I know the bicycle isn´t a current invention, but it was an important one and it can be a good alternative to help the environment.

The bicycle was first ridden in Europe in the 18th century, but it was drawn by Gian Giacomo Caprotti, a pupil of Leonardo da Vinci, in 1493, and it was certified by some researcher.

In 1862, some exclusive ways in Paris were opened, in the city parks, for bicycles. And in 1875, Michaux Company produced the first bicycle of Europe.

In 1868 in Paris, there was the first racing bike, but the winner was an Englishman.

In 1898, bicycles arrived in Brazil coming from France but just in 1948 it was produced by Caloy and Monark.Currently, Brazil is the third biggest bicycle producer of the world.

When I ride a bike, I can feel the wind on my face and it gives me a sensation of freedom.

Bicycles don’t pollute, and they are cheaper than another kind of transportation and I can do exercise.

I rarely ride a bike in SP because I´m afraid of the traffic and the safety of doing it.

My husband likes it very much and he rides his bike on weekends. I need to have courage to do the same because now I have one bike lane near my house on Sundays.

When we went to Paris and Amsterdam last June, we rode bicycles a lot, but there I felt happy and safe because since the 18th century there are permanent bike lanes .

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