Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fabiana - Inventions

A great discovery was the invention of the lamp. The lamp was invented by Thomas Edison in the USA in 1879.The inventor made numerous tries to conclude that carbonized cotton could produce light for 40 consecutive hours.

This invention brought benefits to all humanity. Before, people depended on the candles to survive: the candle has a short lifetime and the light that is produced by it is weaker than that of the lamp. Nowadays people can have nightlife, they can go out more comfortably to have fun, they can read a book or study until the wee hours. The invention of the lamp was a milestone in History.

Unfortunately, lately people aren’t using the electricity wisely. They squander the light overly, forget lamps lit and aren’t looking for new sources of energy. It takes a lot of money to produce this energy.

In my opinion, the invention of the lamp was fantastic! I can’t see my life without lamps. When the power goes out from my home, it is terrible! Depending on candles to perform my daily activities, would be really awful! So it is necessary for people to save energy because one day this energy can end.

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