Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Flavia - The future

What does the future hold for me?

Hello everyone!

My name is Flávia and I'm 31 years old. Next year I'll finish my master degree in Atmospheric Science and at the moment I don't know if I will keep studying, which means, trying a Ph.D. What does the future hold for me? Well, I know and at the same time I don't know. Perhaps it seems a little confusing, so I'd like to share my idea about this with you.

I believe there are something we can choose and other ones we can't choose. We can choose what to study, what to wear, our career and other things, this is under our control. But there are things that aren't within our control and we don't know how it'll be, it is our fate.

I chose to be a physicist and at the moment I'm specializing in Atmospheric Science, and I want to understand about nature, how it behaves and so on. I hope to work in this and to be an excellent professional and well recognized. However, at the moment I don't know where and when I'll get this, but I hope it's a great place to work.

I also hope to make some money working, because I want to rebuild my house, buy furniture and appliances, this is because I'll get married soon. I also would like to support my family with all its needs, to care for abandoned animals, and... I have many, many plans for the future, so summarizing, in the future, I hope to be successful in my career, to be healthy to do all my plans and to be able to enjoy life with my family.

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